Virtual Research Mission blogs

Celebration of Conservation and Creep into the DEEPEND Seamails™

Welcome Teachers. This month we’re posting some of the Seamails and activities from our most recent Virtual Research Missions: Celebration of Conservation and Creep into the DEEPEND.  We’ll post the email from the Science Team member, plus photos, videos, activities, Explorer mini-posters (bios) or other related information or links. For our programs, teachers pick and choose, mix and match the Seamails, photos, activities…etc. how ever you would like to use them with your class. (We put the blog — aka Seamail in pdf format for ease of use in the classroom.)

Here’s the first one from Dave Weller from  the Celebration of Conservation: Gray Whales, Elephant Seals, and Vaquita. Enjoy

Celebration of Conservation Highlights:


(NOTE: For classroom use only. Seamails, photos, activities and other related curricula are copyrighted and trademarked and cannot be sold, posted, repackaged, or used in any other way without written permission of WhaleTimes, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Heteropods, Postcard from the DEEPEND

What does everyone want for the holidays? Postcards from the DEEPEND, of course! Throughout we’ll post a new Postcard from one of our amazing, talented, and simply fun scientists from the DEEPEND Consortium.

Merry Deep Sea or Happy Anglerfish or is it…

Kris Clark and the adorable heteropods

PDF Version Kris Clark and the adorable heteropods



It’s Slime Time!

Merry…uh…Happy, no…hmmm, oh, Hooray,  it’s HAGFISH DAY!!! Celebrate the anniversary of the 9th Hagfish Day Celebration with us October 18, 2017!!! Nine years of exotic, unusual, some might say ugly (we prefer beauty-challenged) ocean animals.

The beautiful hagfish.

The beautiful hagfish.

WhaleTimes created Hagfish Day (in 2009) to celebrate the beauty of ugly. Hagfish are the perfect example. These deep-sea scavengers ooze buckets of slime. They also play an important role in their ecosystem. WhaleTimes believes repugnant and slightly revolting animals like hagfish make great role models for highlighting conservation concerns for all marine animals.
“Sometimes it seems as if ecological causes are popularity contests that exclude the less attractive and less well-known, though equally vulnerable, creatures,” said WhaleTimes Director Ruth Musgrave. “There are species in peril that kids never hear about.”

How do you celebrate Hagfish Day? Classrooms, individuals and families can participate by making Hagfish Slime, writing , make or send a Hagfish Bouquet to a friend. It’s sure to be a good slime! Below are some Hagfish Day activities if you just can’t wait to celebrate the beauty of ugly.

What makes for a great Hagfish Day star? Animals that are a combination of unusual, endangered, and beauty challenged.

 2017 Hagfish Stars Unveiled


2017 Hagfish Day Experts: Our extraordinary ocean experts include

Andrew Clark & Hagfish Knots

Want to show your friends you care, but don’t have time to make a  Hagfish Bouquet? Send a Happy Hagfish Day card to a friend. (Click on thumbnail photo, save, and send.)


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Creep into the DEEPEND Summer Camps Start MONDAY!

Kids around the country will discover the amazing research and researchers from the DEEPEND Consortium. We are excited our Virtual Science Team includes kids and camp leaders from:


Photo #12 Phronima with eggs 2 DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Tracey Sutton Identifying Fish DEEPEND WhaleTimes smCTD being lowered DEEPEND WhaleTimes smBig teeth DEEPEND WhaleTimes smSunrise Aboard RV Point Sur DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Creep into the DEEPEND Summer Camps!

blind lobster larva DEEPEND WhaleTimes smThis summer, museums and science centers throughout the country will offer WhaleTimes’ Creep into the DEEPEND summer camps! Meet our amazing  DEEPEND scientists, see their photos, videos, play games, make crafts and more. Check back in to find out if your local museum will join us — or ask your local museum or science center if they’ll be offering Creep into the DEEPEND as part of their summer camp fun.

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DEEPEND Consortium

Creep into the DEEPEND: September 28 to October 9, 2015

Research Project: Deep-Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico

Students become part of the DEEPEND consortium, a group of deep-sea scientists investigating the biodiversity and distribution of animals in the Gulf of Mexico’s deep-sea ecosystem. The deep is by far the largest affected habitat from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The consortium includes more than 30 scientists from 11 different universities and agencies, led by Dr. Tracey Sutton (Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center).


Video courtesy of the Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network

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Creep into the Deepend!

Logo Deepend

WhaleTimes is excited to be part of the DEEPEND Project

…a consortium of amazing scientists and organizations studying the Gulf of Mexico deep sea. WhaleTimes will share that science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)  to you through our Creep into the Deep Virtual Research Missions, Postcards from the Deep, Taking Science Deeper Curriculum, and so much more.

Our first Postcards from the Deep…End  arriving this spring.

Our first Creep into the Deep…End cruise, this fall.

Joins WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!

DEEPEND research, outreach,  and education funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Thank you!

Learn more about the DEEPEND funding at:
