Creep into the DEEPEND™
- About Creep into the DEEPEND: As part of WhaleTimes’ Virtual Research Missions, students become part of the DEEPEND consortium, a group of deep-sea scientists investigating the biodiversity and distribution of animals in the Gulf of Mexico’s deep-sea ecosystem. The deep is by far the largest affected habitat from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The consortium includes more than 30 scientists from 11 different universities and agencies, led by Dr. Tracey Sutton (Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center). (Research funded by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI) award number GOMRI2014-IV-914)
Creep into the DEEPEND programs are now over. Thank you to the Tracey Sutton and the entire DEEPEND Science Team for letting us share your amazing and important research with kids around the world.
Thank you to the teachers, schools, science centers, museums, zoos, and aquariums that helped us share this important research with kids.
More discoveries from the DEEPEND research are still in store as the mountains of data are analyzed. You can still learn about the DEEPEND reserach and share it with your students. Links to bios (trading cards and mini-posters), coloring sheets, curricula, emails, videos, and other related materials for this program are available. Join WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!
Video courtesy of the Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network
What types of activities do we offer for Creep into the DEEPEND? Check out the links below
Virtual Team Leaders!
The goal of Creep into the DEEPEND is to get students to understand there’s an entire fascinating and important world deep in the sea. There, a variety of fascinating animals thrive. It is also where our DEEPEND Science Team studies. Our Taking Science Deeper curriculum is designed to provide a variety of activities you can incorporate into your curriculum and highlight the animals or research of the Team.
- Creep Into The DEEPEND Explorer Classroom mini-posters
- Creep Into The DEEPEND Explorer Trading Cards Set 1
- Creep Into The DEEPEND Explorer Trading Cards Set 2
- Postcards from the DEEPEND
Creep into the DEEPEND Science Team SeaMail™
Emails from the Science Team sharing their research.
TAKING SCIENCE DEEPER ACTIVITY BOOKLETS (k-6): Crafts, games and labs easy to plug into k-6th classroom lesson plans. Some adaptable for older students.
- Taking Science Deeper Booklet 1 Intro to the Deep Sea DEEPEND
- Taking Science Deeper Booklet 2 Deep Sea Animals DEEPEND 2015
- Taking Science Deeper Booklet 3 Hagfish Day Sampler DEEPEND
- Taking Science Deeper Booklet 4 Ocean Currents and Pollution DEEPEND
DEEPEND Siphonophore Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Glass Squid Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Benthic Octopus Larva Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Deep-Sea Squid Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Anglerfish Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Deep Red Medusa Coloring Sheet
- DEEPEND Videos Page (or click on link below):
- DEEPEND Consortium (Video courtesy Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network)
- Deploying MOCNESS
- MOCNESS Returns
- Swimming Sea Cucumber
- Color and the Deep Blue Sea (Video courtesy Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network)
- Other Videos about the Deep Sea
DEEPEND Teaching Modules (6th-12th grade): Great background information for teachers of all grades and some activities adaptable to 4-5th grade.
- Marine Environments DEEPEND Teaching Module (6th-12th grade) Great intro information for teachers of all grades and some activities adaptable to 4-5th grade.
- Adaptations DEEPEND Teaching Module (6th-12th grade)
- Excellent video from NOAA’s Oceans Today: The Deep Ocean
- Deep Sea Biome, This page has great introductory information about ocean zones and three videos your students might enjoy. We encourage you to show the Deep-Sea Conservation one to your students.
For more information about the 2017 Creep into the DEEPEND Events, email us: deepend at our website
DEEPEND research, outreach, and education funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Thank you!