It’s here! The best day of the year, Hagfish Day!
WhaleTimes created this day to celebrate the beauty of ugly!
It’s time to slime. How are you celebrating? Making slime? Sending a hagfish bouquet to a friend?
We’re celebrating by joining Drs Amy Baco-Taylor (Florida State University), Brendan Roark (Texas A&M), Katie Shamberger (Texas A&M), and the rest of the science team aboard the R/V Kilo Moana as they explore the recently discovered deep-sea coral reefs off the coast of Hawaii.*
WhaleTimes is also joining kids at the Moorcroft Library in Moorcroft, Wyoming to make slime, look through a deep-sea animal’s eyes, and find out how many kids it takes to be the size of a giant squid.
Here are some excellent ways you can celebrate some slime time!