Join us to make 2018 the Year of SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD

Happy 2018 from all of us at WhaleTimes. Help us protect and save ocean animals. Whether you live at the beach or a thousand miles from the beach everything you do reaches the ocean. Many people are unaware of the importance of only eating sustainably caught seafood when they order or purchase seafood.

When you purchase sustainably caught seafood, you vote with your dollars and clearly tell suppliers, fishers, and others you care about dolphins, penguins, sea turtles, sharks, manta rays and want them protected.

Here’s more information:

WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE Save the Vaquita k5 Booklet 1 Fact Sheets

Are you doing everything you can to help animals and their homes? Take our 30 Day Challenge and find out: Activity 30 Days to a Sustainable You Save the Vaquita k5 Booklet 2 051017