Deep-sea Creatures, they’re so transparent!

This lobster larva is just one of the many amazing creatures our Science Team will share with kids around the country during our Creep into the DEEPEND Virtual Research Mission September 28 to October 9.

Lobster larva DEEPEND WhaleTimes wblg

Joins WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!

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Join us at the DEEPEND!

DEEPENDwhtMediumJoins WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!

Our DEEPEND Science Team is at sea, right now!  Follow the ship (May 1 to 8th) on the DEEPEND Consortium website.

That means, WhaleTimes’ first set of Postcards from the DEEPEND will be arriving soon!

WhaleTimes is excited to be part of the DEEPEND Project…a consortium of amazing scientists and organizations studying the Gulf of Mexico deep sea.

WhaleTimes will share the DEEPEND science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)  with you through our


DEEPEND research, outreach, and education funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI) award number GOMRI2014-IV-914