Postcard from the DEEPEND- the perfect gift for everyone

What does everyone want for the holidays? Postcards from the DEEPEND, of course! Throughout December we’ll post a new Postcard from one of our amazing, talented, and simply fun scientists from the DEEPEND Consortium.

Merry Deep Sea or Happy Anglerfish or is it…




Creep into the DEEPEND Summer Camps Start MONDAY!

Kids around the country will discover the amazing research and researchers from the DEEPEND Consortium. We are excited our Virtual Science Team includes kids and camp leaders from:


Photo #12 Phronima with eggs 2 DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Tracey Sutton Identifying Fish DEEPEND WhaleTimes smCTD being lowered DEEPEND WhaleTimes smBig teeth DEEPEND WhaleTimes smSunrise Aboard RV Point Sur DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Postcard from the DEEPEND: Something Scary for Halloween Pt 2

Did you identify the scariest thing in the sea? Did you guess jelly, ctenophore, or maybe a salp?

ID DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

You’d be wrong. One of the scariest things in the sea is trash that escapes from our homes, schools, and lives. If it’s hard for us to identify, you can see why animals like sea turtles, seabirds and others accidently eat trash.

ID Answer DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

The DEEPEND Research team aboard the R/V Point Sur, sent us a Postcard from the DEEPEND.

Read more Postcards from the DEEPEND

Join WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!


Postcard from the DEEPEND: Something scary for Halloween

ID DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Jellyfish? Ctenophore? Salp? Can you ID this dangerous beast? Check in on Halloween to see if you are correct.

The DEEPEND Research team aboard the R/V Point Sur, sent us a Postcard from the DEEPEND.

Read more Postcards from the DEEPEND

Join WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!


Postcards from the DEEPEND: Cool Acoustic Studies

Echosounder #1 DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm Echosounder #2 DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Joe Warren, part of the DEEPEND Research team aboard the R/V Point Sur, sent us a Postcard from the DEEPEND.

Read more Postcards from the DEEPEND

Join WhaleTimes at the DEEPEND, no floaties required!