In February, WhaleTimes Director Ruth Musgrave joined the DEEPEND Science Team at the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Ecosystem (GoMOSES) annual conference in New Orleans. Several members of the DEEPEND Science Team presented their research through talks, papers, and posters. After the conference concluded, the Team met for their annual all-hands meeting.
Our annual DEEPEND meetings are a fast-paced day when Science Team members shares their latest research and plans. Groups worked together to discuss the research and next steps. Watching the scientists collaborate was an amazing time to see the scientific process in action. So much news. Keep up with the DEEPEND Science Team members and find out more about the latest news at:
- Ruth Musgrave, Director of WhaleTimes at Outreach/Education Poster Sesson
- Tammy Frank and Heather Judkins
- DEEPEND Team listening to research updates
- Rosanna Milligan sharing the latest on DEEPEND’s deep-sea fish research
- April Cook and Squirt
- Tammy Frank and Richard Hartland
- Dante Fenolio, Travis Richards, Cole Easson, and Jose Lopez
- Laura Timm and Heather Bracken-Grissom
- DEEPEND Outreach/Education Poster
- Kevin Boswell shares findings from DEEPEND research