WhaleTimes introduces Year of the Vaquita


WhaleTimes Director Ruth Musgrave with life size model of vaquita.

WhaleTimes’ team-vaquita-copyright-whaletimes-all-rights-reservedvolunteers spent a wonderful day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium helping raise awareness of the vaquita and how people can help save them. Most people were unaware of this adorable little porpoise. But were ready to join us and become part of TEAM VAQUITA. You can become part of TEAM VAQUITA, too. One way to help vaquita and other ocean animals is to demand sustainable seafood. If the restaurant or store doesn’t sell sustainable seafood, simply eat or buy something else. Save vaquita and other ocean animals by voting with your dollars.

Join us throughout 2017 to celebrate the Year of the Vaquita, raise awareness and save this beautiful little porpoise.

Creep into the DEEPEND Summer Camps Start MONDAY!

Kids around the country will discover the amazing research and researchers from the DEEPEND Consortium. We are excited our Virtual Science Team includes kids and camp leaders from:


Photo #12 Phronima with eggs 2 DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

Tracey Sutton Identifying Fish DEEPEND WhaleTimes smCTD being lowered DEEPEND WhaleTimes smBig teeth DEEPEND WhaleTimes smSunrise Aboard RV Point Sur DEEPEND WhaleTimes sm

See 60 Minutes segment on Vaquitas

This 60 Minutes segment about vaquitas is a must watch!

Join WhaleTimes, Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries as we celebrate 2017 Year of the Vaquita and Save the Vaquita Month every March. Don’t just join us, make a difference. DEMAND sustainable, traceable seafood.

Year of the VaquitaWhaleTimesCopyrightBTaylor

savethevaquita {at} this website


Vaquitas on 60 Minutes this Sunday at 7 p.m.

Be sure to watch vaquitas and Dr. Barbara Taylor on 60 Minutes (7 p.m. episode) this Sunday! 60 Minutes joined Dr. Barbara Taylor from Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries on a recent population survey in the Gulf of California.

Year of the Vaquita WhaleTimes


2017 Year of the Vaquita

If you missed the news, it’s not good. There are only 60 vaquita left in the entire world. This small porpoise is only found in the Gulf of California in Mexico. Vaquita are the most endangered marine mammal species in the world.

If we do not help now, vaquita could become the SECOND whale species to go extinct in 10 years.  Scientists declared the Chinese (baiji) river dolphin extinct in 2006. Sadly, with little or no fanfare.  We can’t allow that to happen to vaquita.

WhaleTimes and the Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network are working with vaquita experts from Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries and other organizations to raise awareness. We have declared 2017 the Year of the Vaquita. And annually March is Save the Vaquita Month.

Is your seafood vaquita-friendly? It’s simple and yet the most important thing you can do to protect so many species. People who do not insist on sustainably caught seafood are a big part of the problem. (Sorry, we do not have time to sugar-coat this one).

Start TODAY. If you eat shrimp, fish, or other seafood it must be sustainably caught. If you do not know the how it was caught, if other animals were killed in the process, and/or you cannot trace its route from the sea to your plate do not buy it, eat it, or sell it. If the restaurant does not have a sustainable seafood policy, find another one. If your grocery store does not have a sustainable seafood policy, buy elsewhere. Buy locally and sustainably caught seafood whenever you can.

Is there time? We think so. The Pacific gray whales almost went extinct — twice. Northern elephant seals, bald eagles and others almost became extinct, too. Public awareness and concern helped turn the tide and now gray whales, elephant seals, and bald eagles have large healthy populations. Let’s do that for vaquita!

Though 2017 is the Year of the Vaquita, help us start saving the vaquita today.

More to come.


Fintastic Friday is here!

Friday May 13, 2016 is an important holiday, Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks, Skates, and Rays a Voice!

WhaleTimes created Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks, Skates, and Rays a Voice to help raise awareness and encourage advocacy to protect elasmobranchs. Fintastic Friday SKATE Courtesy NOAA Ocean Explorer wbsmThis special annual holiday is celebrated worldwide.

Humans are not doing their job to protect sharks. Movies, books, and news outlets have created and perpetuated a false, but stereotypical view of sharks. This misguided hatred has caused a lack of compassion  or understanding about sharks’ significant role in the health of the ocean. People hear even less about skates and rays.

On average, only 10 people are killed by sharks a year — in the entire world. BUT people kill more than 11,000 sharks EVERY HOUR of every day. Can you imagine people remaining mum if that number were whales? Dolphins? Penguins? Or some other popular species? Never.

We’ll say it again,  People are not doing their best to protect sharks.

WhaleTimes believes kids are the future of sharks. No one is louder and more enthusiastic than a kid who cares. Kids love sharks. They haven’t seen the movies or heard the skewed, sensationalized, and poorly researched news clips. We want kids from all over the world cheering, SAVE THE SHARKS on this special holiday and every day.

Find out how to celebrate and protect sharks today!

Summer Camps!

CopyrightAllRightsReservedRMusgravekidwearinggoggles copyJoin us at the DEEPEND. Discover the incredible research, meet the scientists, play games, create crafts and more! Enroll in a Creep into the DEEPEND Summer (or Fall) Camp near you:


(Organizations are incorporating and sharing DEEPEND Research within their summer camp program. Summer camp program, topics, title, and registration policies vary depending on the museum, science center, or aquarium. First come first served.)

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Oceanscape Network highlights WhaleTimes Director

Mission Shark Rescue coverCongratulations to our very own Ruth A. Musgrave for her efforts in shark and ocean conservation, her new book MISSION: SHARK RESCUE (National Geographic Children’s Books March 2016) and for being highlighted by Oregon Coast Aquarium’s Oceanscape Network as part of their S.T.E.A.M. Powered: Profiles in Science, Creativity and Exploration.

This multi-part series features five women who are at the tops of their fields in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Over the 2015-16 school year, one week will be dedicated to each person, highlighting their education, careers and innovative contributions to their various disciplines — including the discovery of new species, the School Visits April 2016 (12) 448 x 274exploration of hostile ecosystems and the conservation of marine species.

This week, schools are encouraged to submit students’ questions to Ruth via the Oceanscape Network.

Ruth is also sharing her shark conservation message with students throughout Oregon as part of a community service effort with Barnes and Noble (Tualatin) and throughout the world through Skype interviews.

Fintastic Friday I LOVE SHARKS WhaleTimes Copyright RA Musgrave wblrgGo Ruth. And thank you for helping raise awareness of sharks.

We sure have a lot to celebrate this year for Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks, Skates, and Rays a Voice. Don’t forget to celebrate with us on May 13.


Creep into the DEEPEND Summer Camps!

blind lobster larva DEEPEND WhaleTimes smThis summer, museums and science centers throughout the country will offer WhaleTimes’ Creep into the DEEPEND summer camps! Meet our amazing  DEEPEND scientists, see their photos, videos, play games, make crafts and more. Check back in to find out if your local museum will join us — or ask your local museum or science center if they’ll be offering Creep into the DEEPEND as part of their summer camp fun.

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